Design Sales LLC is a manufacturers’ representative for Florida, United States as well as Latin America and the Caribbean. Design Sales Corp serves as the gateway to the United States for Latin American and Caribbean products, as well as a link for US companies seeking to expand their market area into Latin America and Caribbean countries.
Design Sales LLC markets the product lines of the manufactures we represent to large retailers and others who seek to provide quality products to their customers. We represent several companies with a wide range of products: Flair Enterprises Inc, Rio Brands LLC, Cosco Home and Office Products, Office Star Products (Avenue Six and OSP Designs), Durable Packaging International, Zhejiang Sunon Furniture Manufacturer Co., Panelbase System Insutries SDN, Deep Furniture SDN, and Genesis Sales Asia.
Over 36 years ago in Venezuela, Mr. Oscar Cabrices opened Telesound C.A., a distribution company, designed as an outlet for Latin American manufacturers who wanted to promote their products to the Venezuelan and Colombian marketplace.
Through the years, this commitment to quality service has forged solid commercial relations with numerous Central, South America and Caribbean businesses including, but not limited to; Ferretotal Group, Electromax, Beco Group, Fin de Siglo Muebles, Imgeve, Makro, Ferreterias Epa, Wal-Mart Group, Sam’s Club, Office Depot Mexico and Central America, Soriana Group (City Club), Coppel, Sears, Home Mart, Paiz Group (La Fragua, Hipermas), Ace International, Rodelag S.A., Courts International, Intasa Cemaco, Ferresariato, Almacenes Exito, Corporacion de Supermercados Unidos, Grupo Siman, PriceSmart Group, Muebles Dico, Casa de las Lomas, DicoCasa, Home Depot Mexico, Costco Mexico, Almacanes Vidri, Novex, Office Max Mexico, Plaza Lama, Townhouse Megastore (Abdo Mansoor & Sons Ltd.), Systronics, Ripley Group, Muebles Jamar, Grupo Disco and many others.
To become the key link between companies in Latin America and Caribbean interested in expanding their market into the United States and U.S. manufacturers wanting to expand their market into Latin America, Florida State and the Caribbean.
To provide an outlet for trade between Latin American and Caribbean countries and companies in the United States.
To pursue the top product manufacturers to represent and in doing so to gain standing as the main supplier of quality products at the best prices to major retailers and wholesalers.
To continue to build close and lasting business relations with our clients by providing manufacturers the best in effective sales of their products and by providing retailers quality products and special attention to customer service.